Cestari Lanolin
Lanolin comes from the oil that the sheep develop in their fleeces. When we shear our sheep, we have the fleeces washed in hot water and soap. The lanolin, as an oil, rises to the top of the "washing machines". It is put in barrels, then taken to the pharmaceutical plant where it is cleaned and put in large containers. We melt it down, bottle and label it.
Lanolin is a renewable resource. It is a safe and friendly product perfect for a wide range of personal skin care applications, protecting the skin against drying effects of wind and cold; it helps with healing the skin just as it does for the sheep. We've found these effects to be true for ourselves and our friends - it may be the same for you!
In a scientific study of 825,000 people, only 6 were found to be allergic to lanolin.
Bottled and packaged by Cestari Sheep & Wool Company.